@kdfrawg On the road to Perdition.


Sounds like you need Exist too.


I'll be interested to see how you get on.


Also, who makes money from Habitica?

I don't have a regular TV, so watch everything on my desktop screen.

Did you find it hard to train yourself to use Exist?

And now I'm lost down a planner rabbit hole. My Leuchterm 1917 is almost full and I might decide to try something different.

Probably one in TX or GA too.


Thanks for the link. By the way, I see you count Netflix as part of screen time. Is that because you watch on a device, as opposed to a TV? I regard my hour of TV most evenings as a valuable decompression that my wife and I can enjoy together.

Such a good idea. I've seen a couple of these lately and feel I may have to flatter by imitation.

I do a similar exercise as part of my journalling, but I should try and operationalise it a bit more and use fixed categories on which to report.

The whole world is going to Helsinki in a hand-basket.