I assume it is because they have millions of lines of code and each developer can deal with only a few thousand.


Why, then, can big search engines not downrank a tech post if it is old?


got to be right sometimes.

Your pic? Pretty good.


Oh yeah. If anyone would rather have a PDF, they're most welcome.


Whut? Instagram is telling me "It looks like you shared your password with a service to help you get more likes or followers, which goes against out Community Guidelines." I have not. I have blocked some people who were spamming me. Could they have done this? And should I, as advised, change my password?

Handouts all printed for the bread course on Sunday, and realised that I made a mistake. Inserted a blank page early on that means all the recipes are on a right and a left, rather than a spread of left and right.

I'm sure nobody else will care. At least, I hope so.

Good work.


We are complex beings, are we not, given that we can happily delude ourselves that something is a high priority when our actions indicate very clearly that it is nothing of the sort.



