Hah. My clients always want to mess with stuff. So they want a file they can do that to. PDFs have them shrieking.


Happy Birthday Wilko.

You win!


Develop > Empty caches made no difference. Chat still stalling, Nice still fine. I'm almost as mystified as you are.


Forced reload is always my first instinct and usually makes no difference.

I'll try the other.


That's pretty good. Up scarcely bothers me under normal circumstances.


Yeah, well. I don't want to be a buzzkill, but chat has been unusable for me for a while, whereas nice is just fine. Mind you, I'm not doing anything special.


Heck no. That would call for champagne and trumpets.

I decided I prefer to have MD as my reference copy.

You prompted me to check again, and I am getting 6ms ping, 52.01 Mbps down and 24.55 Mbps up -- which is most satisfactory

Too funny.

Unrelated: I had a similar experience recently that made me reconsider my own use of pandoc. Before, I used to convert the MD file to DOCX and send that to the client, after cleanup. Then delete the MD file. Today I was prompted to go back from the DOCX file to MD and make that my conanical copy. Because it works better.