@joanna I know. And I have no idea how you manage it.
@matigo Definitely on track for a fine Friday. Fun chat with old friend, nice walk back home from the station, and it is a gorgeous day. A few interesting tasks for this afternoon, which will keep things interesting.
@matigo yesterday was on foot. Today I am taking the train out to where I used to work, and will enjoy a coffee with ex-colleagues.
Bah. It’s only Friday. That’s what happens when you go out and have fun on a Thursday night.
@jws Thanks for the additional insight. I think I'll be OK. And nothing is irretrievable.
// @variablepulserate
@variablepulserate really? Oh well, maybe I should turn off auto-updates. If I can …
@hazardwarning What shocks me about this is that in the UK I never seem to have had to pay duty. It all just sailed in. Unlike here, where you pay on everything from the US. And it is hard to tell friends not to send things because it will cost us more than they paid, usually.
// @ukhaiku