@hazardwarning I'm all in favour of bread machines, although I do not have one. I taught my mother to make sourdough in hers. And they are much more efficient if all you want to bake is one loaf.
Just finished another edit; nine more to go.
I think @hazardwarning is going to enjoy this one. Certainly hope so.
@hazardwarning Glad you enjoyed it. I was going to go all in, but in the end a little subtlety won.
@larand I am certain I am diving into troubled waters, but I intend to do so nevertheless. Can you advise whether this http://reformation.org/unleavened-bread-error.html is overly contentious? It seems at first glance to be antagonistic, but I don't know enough to know.
There are lots of other sources too, so if this is a bad one, I can drop it.