Manton has multiple personality disorder?


It isn't the following that was the issue.

Thank you for giving me back my partial timeline. :)

Way too nice a day to be sat inside editing audio. But then, yesterday I was out and about, and during the week I was being paid so unable to do what I want. It all evens out in the end.

Whoa! Good job. The body knows …

Basically, yes. You want to link to it anyway, so the url is there. I can’t remember precisely how the plugins format it, but manually, you give it a class=“u-in-reply-to”


You write your reply on your blog, and if they’re equipped they receive the webmention. If they’re not, some places allow you to paste the url of your comment.


You betcha.

Really? That doesn’t seem right and proper.


POSSE is only good for sending pieces to an additional place. It doesn’t have to be fb or Twitter. Could be Medium or a company site or a news site. For me the crucial aspect is webmentions, to send them and receive them.
