@phoneboy Manton has multiple personality disorder?
// @matigo
Way too nice a day to be sat inside editing audio. But then, yesterday I was out and about, and during the week I was being paid so unable to do what I want. It all evens out in the end.
@hazardwarning Basically, yes. You want to link to it anyway, so the url is there. I can’t remember precisely how the plugins format it, but manually, you give it a class=“u-in-reply-to”
@hazardwarning You write your reply on your blog, and if they’re equipped they receive the webmention. If they’re not, some places allow you to paste the url of your comment.
@sumudu POSSE is only good for sending pieces to an additional place. It doesn’t have to be fb or Twitter. Could be Medium or a company site or a news site. For me the crucial aspect is webmentions, to send them and receive them.