@matigo Nah. New Ubuntu is all.
// @sumudu
Interesting; 10CV5 is now sending webmentions automatically, though some of the data sent seems to be faulty. I just got a webmention on this post from "Unknown".
@matigo It seems to have rectified itself. So, what have I missed, if anything?
I see I'm still being asked whether I want to save the password when I post directly at nice.social.
In other news, I've had a very quiet summer, and have completely lost the ability to login to nice.social. I accept that it has been a while.
@hazardwarning I too use Newsblur, and it has the kind of plugin architecture that, if I spoke Python, could turn it into a Micropub client. For example, you could share directly to ADN and still can to Twitter. So why not to any micropub endpoint?
// @variablepulserate