Finally bit the bullet and bought a trial month of a VPS because a shared site kept hitting the buffers. Wondering now how long to give the one domain to settle down before I migrate others. And how many I can squeeze in there.
@matigo I wish, a bit. No, this is me attempting to do something that my guest insists will be really easy. Pulled noodles.
@streakmachine My suspicion is that most people are completely unaware of them, not that they ignore them. They are ignorant, not wilful.
@indigo I didn't realise that. I just remember all those photos of a very muddy and bedraggled Bembo and assumed he loved getting wet.
@phoneboy If I travelled as often as you, I'd probably find the same thing.
// @matigo
@matigo That wired connection has me beat. Cannot seem to get Time Capsule to play nicely with ISPs router when wired. Too many moving parts. So currently wifi to Time Capsule which is wired to router.
// @phoneboy