@matigo It works!
@indigo Italy refuses to take mine because I was alive in the UK during BSE!
// @hazardwarning
@larand Thanks. Yup, if you add a new site you can create a new folder. And then you can delete that site and move things into it.
@hazardwarning @indigo
@hazardwarning Thanks. I'll try that. Once you have the folder, of course, you can move other stuff into it.
// @indigo
Anyone else here use Newsblur? I want to create a new folder,. And cannot for the life of me remember how or find instructions.
@kdfrawg Somerset, in England. Tiny place called Wedmore. Still miss it.
// @thedan84
@indigo I've stayed with Classic, because I really don't need anything offered in the paid version. But yes, I should think about export from there too. Something else to be more indie about.
// @matigo @sumudu