Yay, yay, yay!


All cuted out, I'm afraid. They remain cheerful pics.

Agreed. My only issue then is that because they are different, I should be free to choose the methods that work for me. If I'm only following 25 people on IG then I should be allowed to see a purely chronological timeline.


Interesting point of view, and does seem to make the point about not losing sight of the people that interest you in a larger network. Personally, I prefer to just limit the number of people I am interested in, although I don't prune that list as often as I ought to. I dislike algorithms, because I seem to have so little control over "sponsored" posts. Which is the point, I guess.

You OK?

because you burn? There are effective sunscreens if you want to catch some rays.

/me is astonished.

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg Wonder not. It isn't.

the main reason I did not go for the hosted option is that I want to avoid Yet Another Separate Site. It is a bit silly that I cannot originate a post there, but honestly, I'm ok with that.