In Sweden, right?

Of course it is. I had to go back in time to get it.


When you reach my age and still have a full head of hair, you gotta flaunt it.


I used to be that person, though more like 1/4 inch. Those days are long gone.


All the way to Tokyo for a haircut? ?

Right. It is a total cop-out. It would be interesting to know whose bio first contained those weasel words.


Yeah, I have never understood that. Except that I see it most commonly on corporate peoples' accounts, so maybe it protects them from some kind of blowback.

Yeah, that's where he is @cn We keep missing each other there. I resorted to email in the end. :)


Thanks. I'll look there. I get confused between the two different people I know who go by


Is @cn still around?