Just finished another edit; nine more to go.

I think is going to enjoy this one. Certainly hope so.

Good to know; thanks, and good luck.

Glad you enjoyed it. I was going to go all in, but in the end a little subtlety won.

I’ll add that to my list of reasons to visit you in Japan.

Good heavens that seems complex. But probably delicious.


Who doesn’t like the fat controller?

Thanks for confirming my impression with actual knowledge.

I am certain I am diving into troubled waters, but I intend to do so nevertheless. Can you advise whether this http://reformation.org/unleavened-bread-error.html is overly contentious? It seems at first glance to be antagonistic, but I don't know enough to know.

There are lots of other sources too, so if this is a bad one, I can drop it.

Who knew? As long as it works for you, why pay more.
