In related news, I woke to discover my ancient Garmin Vivofit would no longer pair with my phone. Now I have to decide among another similar, something a bit more or an Apple Watch. But I honestly don’t know what an Apple Watch would deliver that’s worth the extra money.

There’s something weirdly comforting about both of us being buffet Ted by icy winds half a world apart.

I saw that. Isn’t it a conference centre? 4000 beds, I read.


You have to seem purposeful, as if on the way to shop, and you have to carry a self-signed declaration that your trip is essential.

Nope, slightly worse. Clampdown on being out of doors.

Life goes on, I see.

A little flexibility would be ideal.


That’s a sad story. I hope the real CEO can find a way to reward her unquestioning loyalty and trust.

Not with children and a puppy to take care of. Without those, it is a breeze.


Ooh. New Macchiato. That might change things for me. Thanks