Not that big, but packed with pots.

@kdfrawg I think you're right. A good thick sauce would not convect well, and once the bottom had started to burn it would just get worse.

I've had similar sorts of things happen when making jam. You stir, and there is a whoosh of superheated stuff from the bottom.

I hope you can clean it off.

@kdfrawg Holy crap

Terrace all fed for another week. Time to feed the humans.


No problem. See you then.

Before you go, are we recording tomorrow? 8 am my time?

I use hours [] even though I'm not a team. I like how easy it is on iOS and web, and the reporting is pretty good too.

My meter is running.

Current workload has me looking at links, discovering they're broken (usually deceased), doing a search, finding a correct link and then using its contents. No report back to broken link because that's not in the specification for the job.


No. Tomorrow is Friday, at least for me. ;)