@height8 It isn't the fires that are out of control, longer term, it is fire control itself.


Certainly it seems to be true that you judge how you you "need" not by what you actually have, but by how it compares to what those around you have.

At some point, though, you would think enough might be enough.

Oh, I'm sure that this is the tip of an iceberg. And then there are the contracts on some sorts of GMO seeds.

(I haven't got the cross-posting thing down; and I'm not sure I want to.)

I don't think they should be abolished. I think they should have a permanent site, like they used to, and that individuals should compete as individuals, or individual teams, rather than as representatives of countries. Then get rid of all anti-doping rules and watch as people lose interest in the whole thing.

Turtle soup? That was a thing, right?

I'm more interested in whether Brazil can actually survive long enough.

Same here. I'm not even sure what I would do with it. I can't remember why I signed up.

// @kdfrawg

I look forward to it.

Sorted out most of the hairier stuff that came in while I was away. I think I'll go for a walk.

They are indeed, but they are are also just as nebulous. Not so much _keep the lights on_ as _keep the wolf from the door, a bit_. I have the same problem setting the goals as I do the rewards. At the moment I'm leaning towards a more detailed newsletter or article about each episode as the main reward for subscribers, and having only a couple of tiers.
