I wish I could do that. The bedroom is the only warm place in the house, and I’m never in it except at night.


Absolutely raw. And grey and dank to boot. Brrr.

Let me know when you need beta testers for a Path Finder replacement.


Why take the risk?


In the end, I'm not really comfortable with giving a company registered in Nevis access to my files and folders, local and remote. So I'll give Forklift a try.


That’s two votes for commander one pro. Forklift could be useful for mounting remote servers as desktop volumes. Will check COP out. Thanks.

Finder replacement is what I am really after. They make life easier in many different little ways, but not when they freeze for no reason.

Out of interest, any of the OSX people here use either PathFinder or Forklift? I'm finding the former increasingly flaky and looking for thoughts on the latter.

I suppose any sort of outboard memory seems magical -- hence the whole memory palace idea -- and that when that memory seems able to do things all by itself, well, then it is clearly magical.


I had a lot of fun making tomorrow’s podcast episode.