@matigo Thank you Jason. It was part labour of love and part proof of concept. Yes, I have entered the Radiotopia Podquest, along with 1536 other hopefuls. I've been following the quinoa story for a long time, since before it was a story, really. So I already knew most of the people. There were two in the story that I didn't know at all before, and one that I had never spoken to directly. But other than that, yes, social networks, some of them in meatspace.
And despite several attempts, with personal introductions, there was one missing link in the story that I just could not get.
Ideally, I'd like to do one like that every three months, or thereabouts. At least for now.
May I ask for specific feedback?
Did the musical interludes work for you? Low enough under the voices? Too long? Too short?
And did the echo on two of the speakers disturb you? I really need to insist that people use earbuds, at the very least, when we are recording for that kind of piece.