Many thanks for fixing the duplicate post issue and installing a snazzier theme. I'm pretty happy, although I do have a couple of questions.

Is there a way to add one bit of cover art that would apply to all past episodes? If there is, I may leave it at that or I may use Auphonic's ability to embed cover art going forward.

Same for banners. There's no way I am going to find a banner image for every podcast, and the ones you have chosen are very nice, but if I did make one image, would it be easy to substitute in for all the existing images?

How are the Featured episodes chosen? Is it just the five most recent?

Finally, for now, if I edit a post after publishing, and deselect Send Blurb, does it delete the associated blurb that was sent when the post was first published? Because I don't see a blurb here for the latest episode.

Thanks again. And if it indeed your birthday, as seems to think over at the other place, then Happy Birthday and Many Happy returns.