That is definitely where I am headed.

I've just been looking at Square and Stripe, and Stripe may be marginally ahead. Did you consider Stripe?


Currently looking at a roll-your-own. It is a WP site, so with Stripe payments (and PayPal) and a couple of plugins I think I could do a reasonable job, leaving Patreon as it is.

For me, it has to beg per episode rather than per time period. Do you know whether that works with Drip?

I haven't jumped ship yet, but I have sent my Patrons an email and I am thinking hard about alternatives.

No, it is a flat file database.


My friend aaronpk has a thing called quartzdb. It’s the presentation and search that has me stumped. Would also be a very fun learning project. If I wanted to do tags and things and pull in weather and all that, I would be better off paying.


Yeah, always with the bloated feature creep. I was reading about an approach to flat files as databases that makes me almost want to try and roll my own. But it would not be pretty.


Messing around with WP child themes, as one must.

I have set aside some time today to continue the search. Will try to report back.