@kdfrawg Maybe in the greater scheme of things, but who knows.

Here's a little gift [patreon.com] for anyone caught up in, or recovering from, Thanksgiving.


Make sure you buy a spare (or pick one up on 26 December, when they are dirt cheap if there are any left) in order to make pannetone bread and butter pudding.

You'll be glad you did.

Another fruitless visit to the gas company. This is getting very tiresome. They can't give us a date, can't tell us why, cant tell me the penalty if I open it myself.

Seems reasonable to me.

// @skematica

There are also hints and rumours on the site that active noise-cancelling is in the works.

@kdfrawg I know. And I wanted to write something in Danish, I'd hire a professional.

Mind you, many English native speakers don't know any better.

Very little, I suspect. I doubt they're using cheap, rattly components.

I wish there were a bricks and mortar place where I could try various combos.

What a great concept: modular headphones [aiaiai.dk]

Found it via Kickstarter and very, very tempted. I have a pair of Bose QCs, and these new ones do not have active noise cancelling, but presumably they could be upgraded.