@variablepulserate One of my favourite usages being yachtie totty
@jws Again, you would think that this ight be a gap in the market, but if it is nobody seems willing to plug it.
// @matigo @hazardwarning @variablepulserate
@matigo Which is why they seek entertainment in the strangest places.
// @streakmachine
@matigo If they did that, you wouldn't be annoyed, and their lives would be poorer as a result.
// @streakmachine
@jws I’m sure you know enough to do so. IMO routers are probably one of the most voodoo of equipment these days.
/@matigo @hazardwarning @variablepulserate
@matigo I even tried paying money to local Mac “experts” and they couldn’t figure it out either.
Maybe if I bought my own router instead of using the isp’s.
/@hazardwarning @jws @variablepulserate
@matigo No, there are four network ports. But I just don't seem to be able to find a way to do it. As I say, I gave up. Something about bridges and what have you. Way beyond my understanding.
// @hazardwarning @jws @variablepulserate