// @sumudu
On the fast train to Florence for a two day break to see old friends who are passing through. Outside, all is Autumn mist, which I fully expect to have burned off by the time we arrive.
@matigo Interesting! Auphonic does nothing to make the phone line audio clearer, to my ears. But in the process of adaptive leveling, or whatever it calls it, it has created a file that, when I apply my EQ settings, gives me the clarity without the clicks. And that will do nicely.
@matigo I've asked on the Reaper forum, we'll see. I wonder what Audacity would do with the completely unprocessed version. Might give that a try.
@matigo: audio question. I've recorded from a phone land line, and I'm trying to make the sound a little clearer. So, standard approach of reducing around 400 Hz and boosting around 4000Hz, which works fine, BUT I then seem to get a clicking on the transients. I've tried fiddling with the EQ settings, but that doesn't seem to do it. Any thoughts?
First phone recording using the proper microphone on the boom arm and Skype, and I have to say I am very pleased with the result. Much more convenient than previous efforts. This was to a land line, so quality in that regard is not what I'd like, but overall, a very good experience.
@matigo This time I didn't click, and it worked again.
I must have done something wrong.