I didn't either; I'm also none to sure of the difference -- from my point of view -- between a "real" app and a web app. I see no compelling reason to change phones though.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. So many excuses … ;)

Suggest you consider it in your quest for a new phone OS.

Hey, ! Here's some ammunition for you: The web on my phone [adactio.com]

A couple of weeks ago I had to buy extra storage on the road, and found a 32GB usb stick for under $20, kingston branded, though could have been fake. I am pretty tempted to add an outboard SSD to my iMac as the boot disc, but then I think I should just save my pennies for when it needs to be replaced.

This [goodstuff.fm] could be fun.

I’ve got a plan for the next batch of SMYM episodes and I need your help! Hear how you can help or just sign up at the link below and get the email in April.

Good to hear.

I've been studying that Radiotopia Podquest thing and vacillating like crazy whether to pitch. I think the chicken thing would be finite, and they're not looking for that. But there's currently nothing in their line-up about food. I'm just not at all sure how to think about it. They are SO wedded to storytelling, and that can be SO difficult. But it is definitely something I'm thinking hard about.


New Post: Moving my minicasts [ddp.10centuries.org]