New Post: Consequences and Skeletons []

That's worse, and it is even possible that the silly hours etc has been a contributory factor.

I'll just wish you Get Well Soon.


Sorry to hear it. Don't bosses there accept a certificate from the doctor?



Interesting that the copyright notice at the bottom ends 2009.

// @height8

Indeed not.


I've just realised that may not have seen this thing that I shared on ADN, about a spam-blocking approach that reminded me of his own efforts in Nice.

It is actually quite hard to know what to do. I called them up yesterday, and explored the website, where I learned that for each year I defer, the amount I get goes up by "almost 5.8%". Is that worth it, I ask myself. Yes, inasmuch as it would be hard to find another investment that can get 5.8% p.a. On the other hand, it means I need to keep earning that much more each month. I

I'm honestly torn. So to defer, I asked them to send me an estimate of how much I can actually expect. That puts the decision off another week to 10 days.


A bit late for that. More like end-life crisis. I'm feeling that acutely as when I got back from my trip there was a nice letter from the Dept of Works and Whathaveyou telling me how to claim my state pension.


Before it got so "easy," there were a couple of apps that I used to work with geodata, images and maps. I might have to see whether I can uncover them and bend them to my will. Or just do it the long way.