@whoisashygirl That's a huge achievement. My few brushes with VMs, long, long ago when I needed to use Quicken for Windows, ended in disaster.
Latest podcast episode is about the past and future of hops in the Willamette valley, Oregon.
@nitinkhanna There’s an element of both, but the second is, I believe, the original idea. That’s the main topic of her essay, certainly.
@jws Agreed on See also links. At best they might be an aide memoir for the person who added them, but without a word or two of why you should also see that thing they’re just another lazy time thief.
I’m hoping to dedicate another couple of hours to revisiting a topic in my notes to keep moving forward that in itself is a good thing.
@jws You’re right, thinking and reviewing is the important part. But the ease of actually creating the hyperlinks that bind things together is crucially important. Computers make that a breeze. And you don’t actually have to remember why it was you linked things if you add a simple reminder to the link.
@jws I have never gone back to Luhman himself. I think what I like is the ability to build connections from note to note. Yesterday I went through some notes and some tags on Pinboard and came up with an aha! almost immediately. But it does take some learning.
@jws Maybe. I've been reading about the zettelkasten approach for a few years now but not following it. Then they released their app, which has all the features of nvALT and then some specifically. So I went back to basics and have started trying to apply the ideas. I don't have anything to add, yet. And it is early days. But maybe, yes.
There's nothing you can't do in plain nvALT, but some things are very much easier.
Really productive morning reacquainting myself with typography principles at the same time as starting to work with a slightly modified approach to note-taking. Now for some audio-editing.