@keita Hi there. Yes, that’s what the article said. And there was a companion piece about how difficult it is to trace the owners of quite a lot of land in Japan.
@keita Hi there. Yes, that’s what the article said. And there was a companion piece about how difficult it is to trace the owners of quite a lot of land in Japan.
@matigo Maybe you should reconsider that from the point of view of your own financial health. I read in last weeks Economist that the value of a 20 year old house in Japan is effectively zero.
@matigo There has been a fair bit of discussion of the subject over at chat.indieweb.org but no consensus and no implementation I am aware of. Not least because the receiver needs to decide what to do with it, and there are many receivers.
@matigo I'm not saying Manton is using them effectively. And lots of m.b still depends on receiving RSS.
@matigo Yup. Sometimes there’s a logjam on both receiving rss and sending webmentions and eventually it clears.
@chrisaldrich Very true. Huffduffer is superb for tasting one off episodes and surfacing new shows.
/@matigo @joeo10