Very fine.

I remember going wild and sleeping n the beach at Bournemouth, getting sunburned into the bargain, in the late 1960s. But I can’t remember whether it was Easter or Spring bank holiday.

Is it always rainy at Easter, or have I somehow erased the sunny ones from my mind?

Indeed not. I envy your self-control.

Nor me, yet.

It certainly is available, but you need an awful lots of developer skillz to use it.

Don't forget website feeds, Github issues, etc etc. You need Monocle []

There is something you could do about that. ?


I didn't study the photos carefully enough. Do you order without noodles? I guess you must do.

The red one closes the window, but does not quit the app. The yellow one minimizes it to the dock. Use that, and you won't have any problem.