the Bullet Journal system advises an index for specific topic pages, but not for straightforward diary pages. But there would be nothing to stop you cross referencing a diary entry on a topic page. Or keeping meeting notes in the topic page, which is what I mostly do.

That you can find the note you need is also pretty slick. Do you keep an index?

Good thing someone was taking notes.

I stand corrected. I had an idea they were smaller than that. Michael's fantasy lives on.

// @kdfrawg

Yes, but they were pretty scrawny. So a leg would not have been that big a deal.

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg An actual cave man devouring a turkey leg would be science fiction, so it is all rather fitting.

They're pretty small. Maybe they don't export to the U S yet.


Writers Tears. Although the Bushmills single I got a couple of years ago was also rather good.


Sounds good. And if it does build it will pretty soon give you a solid foundation to work from.

hello. Is that new job still working out ok?