@kdfrawg Then who is paying their bills?

Or maybe, they never do any actual work.


@kdfrawg They came. They saw. I conquered.

Rats. He left before I got your message. Probably wouldn't have been much help though. All he had was a little bag of tools and an iPad, or similar. But the job is done.

The Gas Man came! Let joy be unconfined.

The gas man promised to call between 10 and 12. I'm not holding my breath. And I am awake way too early.

I indulged myself in a minor, nitpicky rant [jeremycherfas.net].

Two emails doing exactly the same thing is excessive, I agree. But an email seeking a word of mouth referral isn't that bad an idea. But that's how it should have been phrased.

Fair enough. I've had two.

Good system.

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