Ok. I'll stop here.

The difficulty with the food safety argument is that there are cultures in even hotter, possibly worse environments, more humid, for example, for whom pork is the choicest meat.

Most of the Pacific, like Papua New Guinea, goes crazed for pork.

OK. I disagree, but have to go out now. We'll save this for another time.


Just to extend this a little, do you have a preferred explanation for the
of pork avoidance?


Olive oil, green veggies, fish, fruit. Pulses. Pasta. Bits of meat.

Smarty pants.


The Meditteranean diet is a funny thing. Several things. There's the diet that people around the Med ate, which was whatever they could get hold of. Life was harsh and people were poor. Then there's the diet as promulgated by people who don't live here. The lack of red meat was a necessity originally, but probably wasn't a bad thing, overall. There's still very little meat consumed, compared to some places, but it is by no means completely absent. Pork is probably bigger than beef and lamb. Goat is less common than lamb.

I am feeling particularly charitable this morning.

Maybe that's her collage in the banner image?

Fine start to Saturday. Quick jaunt to the French bakery to get a couple of proper croissants, now being enjoyed on the terrace.