very tempted to make a stupid joke about how the UK cares for badgers, but that would be bad. So I'll just say how happy I am for you.

I don't get a humidity readout on my app, but it seems comfortable enough.


Gah! It is already 26 C and the forecast high is 36.

I agree with

Not only to wish you luck , but also that salary isn't that low, and more importantly, it is a salary. I really hope this one will work out for you.


I had a similar experience with Textdrive, in that early backers enabled them to build something that they then sold for I hope a good price to an outfit without protecting the early investors or offering a refund, which I bet they could have afforded. There weren't that many of us.

With ADN my beef is more that the community offered several ways to change gear that were rejected without any explanation that I know of.

ADN was a great idea that fell down in my view because the founders didn't really grasp how different there creation was from everything else.


for what it is worth, I am very torn about giving that up, giving this up and cross posting. The people I read most are in both places, with some exceptions, and mostly say different things. So for now I am keeping up with both.

I honestly have no idea how one might promote here to there, other than some kind of time-limited wi won't abandon you statement, to be renewed or not as necessary.


Who was it that siad there are no silly questions? They were wrong. :)

How does an A-Z of crop plants (plus five extras) strike you?

I may be writing more about that side of things. It is going well. Not too busy, but very rewarding in a cosmic sense. Not in any other sense.

I'm still not leaving myself enough time to think about and edit audio, though. That's the nut I really6 need to crack. Considering something I've talked about on and off for ages, renting a hot desk in a shared space one day a week and taking myself off there to do nothing but think about audio and food reporting.

A quick letter to my editor may suffice -- and stop me wasting my time. X is a very sprawling organisation, so I can't be getting angry at anyone. I'm just glad my interviewee piped up.