Oh dear. Hope it is not too bad.

You got that right.


Thanks. They are. But only because I halved the amount of sugar in the recipe.

@kdfrawg Nothing finer. We will be having ours tomorrow morning. Have a great day.


Here everybody. Have a molasses cookie straight out of the oven.

That would be a welcome gift.

good work.

Is there a way to lock Cappucino on iOS to my Home rather than Global?

Not that I don't love Global, but …

Happies to everyone.

@kdfrawg I cannot believe a kindred pedant such as your good self used the phrase "with au jus" without at least a hint that you find it as awful as I do.

How bad would 2017 be, really, if I just deleted all the emails in my Fastmail address book? So much dross.