That's great. Congratulations.

@kdfrawg So is lack of work.

// @skematica

That's what bad bosses do. If it had not worked, you know he would not take credit for that.

But at least it is working now, not timing out.

When I try to do cname * I get this error DNS Validation Error (Code: 1004): Invalid proxied mode. Record cannot be proxied (Code: 9041)

OK I will try and replicate. Do I need all those different cnames? I have far fewer.

Still getting 522 timeout. When I am at the desktop I will grab a screenshot of my cloudflare settings and post them, if you don't mind.

I suspected as much, because how else would you keep an eye on things? Anyway, thanks. I'm reading up on dreamhost and git and weighing my options. Digital Ocean may be a possible if I run into difficulties.

Uh oh. Timing out with a 522.

Added a CNAME on Cloudflare as you suggested. All seems OK, but get this message.

An A, AAAA or CNAME record was not found for the www subdomain. The subdomain will not resolve.

Not sure where the * should point to now.