@japchap I so seldom use search from within Pathfinder that it hasn't been a problem. Usually I just use it to narrow down the choices in a particularly large folder, for example Camera Uploads.
@japchap I like pathfinder a lot, although I am sure I don't use half its capabilities.
@larand I agree with much of what you say, but I fear that if the Republicans do indeed fail to deliver within two years, the mid-terms will go to even crazier people, who pull the same stunt on steroids.
@jws OK, as you insist [australianaudioguide.com]. But don't say I didn't warn you.
The embedded player on the right is quite snazzy, mind.
@hazardwarning Well dead always sounds to me a bit like "walking well".
// @matigo
@indigo It would. Or to pay more, less often. That's my default position, but it can be called into question when there are no reliable guides to quality and longevity.
// @matigo @jextxadore @hazardwarning @33mhz