@kdfrawg Phew.

(I used to code, you know, in 6502 assembler. That must count for something.)


@kdfrawg Now my feelings are hurt.


No desktop needed! Twisted Wave will open in Audiophonic, which saves to DropBox after processing. Twisted Wave will also save to DropBox, if I need the raw file in the desktop machine, which I sometimes do.

Good job. I certainly couldn't hear the joins.

My one solid tip: use your earbuds if they have a built-in microphone. It improves the experience for listeners beyond all measure.

Is this your solution to the story I read recently of the IT professional who threw away an old hard drive that contained the only version of his Bitcoin key? Lost a few hundred thousand, apparently.

Latest episode -- A visit to Elkstone Farm in Colorado [eatthispodcast.com] is up.

I also did that OpenGraph thing, which is much nicer on FB, but I know the sophisticates here don't need all that hand-holding.

Yup. It. Just. Works.

Incredibly impressed with the slickness of the Arq upgrade process.

@kdfrawg Very fine.