@matigo Oh, I'm sure that this is the tip of an iceberg. And then there are the contracts on some sorts of GMO seeds.
(I haven't got the cross-posting thing down; and I'm not sure I want to.)
@matigo Oh, I'm sure that this is the tip of an iceberg. And then there are the contracts on some sorts of GMO seeds.
(I haven't got the cross-posting thing down; and I'm not sure I want to.)
@matigo I don't think they should be abolished. I think they should have a permanent site, like they used to, and that individuals should compete as individuals, or individual teams, rather than as representatives of countries. Then get rid of all anti-doping rules and watch as people lose interest in the whole thing.
@matigo Turtle soup? That was a thing, right?
I'm more interested in whether Brazil can actually survive long enough.
@jmreekes Same here. I'm not even sure what I would do with it. I can't remember why I signed up.
// @hazardwarning @variablepulserate @kdfrawg
Sorted out most of the hairier stuff that came in while I was away. I think I'll go for a walk.
@phoneboy They are indeed, but they are are also just as nebulous. Not so much keep the lights on as keep the wolf from the door, a bit. I have the same problem setting the goals as I do the rewards. At the moment I'm leaning towards a more detailed newsletter or article about each episode as the main reward for subscribers, and having only a couple of tiers.
// @matigo
@phoneboy Oh dear. Not a good time to start seriously considering launching my Patreon, then.
// @matigo