Just to butt in, belatedly probably, Mb will ignore the title if it contains dd-mm-yyyy and any numerals after that.

It’s a kludge, but it works and it is what WP people use so that they have a title for reference while Mb shows an excerpt with a link


Bad news sells.

Pretty stunning.

Queen’s Park Station

Toast, jam, cheese. Then coffee when we were in sight of the museum

It’s another beautiful day in London. Time to get some breakfast before culture.

Much, much larger.


Ah, yes. Vouch goes a lot further into building the trusted relationships.


I like NewsBlur a lot.


It's the old story; if you owe the bank a few thousand, they own you. If you owe them a few billion, you own them.


Whatever it is, I look forward to giving it a try. I would also like to promote a discussion about where you want to go and how other people can maybe help.
